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Dentist Tool

Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction is the process of removing a tooth from its socket. This procedure is conducted under local anesthesia, which numbs the area around the tooth being removed.

Tooth extractions may be necessary for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Severe tooth decay or damage that cannot be repaired with a filling, crown, or other restoration

  • Advanced gum disease that has caused the tooth to loosen and shift in the socket

  • Crowding or misalignment of teeth that require removal of one or more teeth to make room for orthodontic treatment

  • Impacted wisdom teeth that are causing pain, infection, or damage to adjacent teeth

  • Preparation for dentures or dental implants

After the tooth is extracted, patients will be given instructions on how to care for the socket and manage any discomfort or swelling that may occur. Pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications may be prescribed to help manage post-operative discomfort.

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